Jeanettes coaching är det bästa jag gjort. Jeanette har en naturlig förmåga att skapa ett tryggt utrymme för healing till att bryta igenom blockeringar och ge kärleksfull guidance. Hon har givit mig rätt verktyg att hantera olika situationer som varit tuffa vilket har givit mig ett nytt sätt att se på livet. Jeanette har med … Read More

”Jag är så oerhört tacksam över att jag träffat dig Jeanette. Du är en person som jag känner ett väldigt stort förtroende för och du utstrålar en enorm värme.Du har väglett mig från att ligga i min säng och vara osäker på om jag vill leva till att jag idag vill äta av allt som … Read More

The boldness and honesty of this woman, Wow…Jeanette has a natural gift which takes you places within yourself that you wouldn’t even imagine. The journey with her is amazing and yet challenging. Let me make it clear, she is not going to solve your problems but instead help you find the tools which suits your … Read More

”The transformational coaching with Jeanette has been amazing. I felt really comfortable with her and we had a very good connection. The second session in which we released a lot of stuff in my unconsciouss Mind was very liberating. It was a full afternoon of work but I have felt the benefits of it ever … Read More

”To have Jeanette Carleson as a coach and therapist is a gift. Her light and ability to focus on the true matter without fear and hesitations has helped me to understand the underlying patterns that held me back. I felt seen and guided. She has a spiritual side that is natural and unclouded which made … Read More

”Recently, I encountered a deep seated belief in myself that was sorely inhibiting my happiness despite years of personal growth and healing. Jen’s coaching and focused approach helped me to move through this major block with ease and to finally release it totally and forever. My life has changed dramatically since then in a way … Read More

”There has been a wonderful journey and of my life’s greatest gifts to have a coach as Jeanette. Without Jeanette’s help I could not find the little gems that have helped me to open my eyes, look into my deepest thoughts, and find and process my painful memories that I had managed to forget; looking … Read More

”I would say that the coaching from Jeanette has been a very positive and uplifting experience I would (and I have already!) recommended it to friends and family in need of a deeper level of help and healing. We covered a lot of ground in our sessions. The work that we have done has made … Read More

”Jeanette har hjälpt mig att förstå att innan man kan fylla på någon annans energiförråd måste man först fylla på sitt eget. Fram till dess hade många års arbete med att lära mig ta bättre hand om mig själv gett mig massor av jättebra kunskap, men inte lett till någon förändring i verkligheten. Nu, däremot, … Read More